


※ 通过掌握水性成分和油性成分的比例,避免粘腻感,同时预防初期老化。

○ 含有三种不同分子量的透明质酸,带来绝妙的柔软使用感和完美的效果。

○ 佐藤樱花提取物能保持活性,防止糖化,预防暗沉,同时在清洁肌肤的过程中增加紧致感。

○ 多种保湿剂和油分的平衡,提供适度的保湿感和油感,保护肌肤,令其柔软。

○ 含有莲花提取物和透明质酸钠,增强肌肤的紧致和弹性。

○ 含有丝素蛋白和大豆提取物,提升肌肤透明感。

○ 含有苹果酸,去除老废角质,保持表皮细胞正常的新陈代谢节奏。

○ 含有氨基酸乳化剂和层状液晶,既保持肌肤明亮,又增强皮肤的屏障功能。

※ 不含合成表面活性剂、对羟基苯甲酸酯、矿物油、合成香料和合成色素,敏感肌也可安心使用。


Original New Products Overview

Based on customer needs, we will create skincare, hair care, and body care products for you.

Skincare Products

Our skincare products include additive-free cosmetics without preservatives and petroleum-based surfactants, suitable for those who prefer natural products and have sensitive skin.

Hair Care Products

Our hair care products include silicone-free shampoos and conditioners, as well as scalp-friendly hair care products.

Body Care

In addition to moisturizing care, we can provide professional care products for use in beauty salons and other professional settings.


Please feel free to contact us for any other requirements.