○ 富含5,000mg的低分子胶原蛋白,通过窑烧工艺精心制成,经过60天自然干燥而成的手工皂。
○ 特别添加了具有抗炎、抗菌、防晒、杀菌和解毒效果的薰衣草油作为美容成分。
○ 配方中包含了在肌肤角质层中不可或缺的神经酰胺和具有卓越保湿能力的透明质酸。随着年龄增长、气候变化和环境影响,体内的神经酰胺含量会逐渐减少,导致肌肤失去水分,变得干燥。神经酰胺具有美白肌肤和抑制黑色素生成的功效。透明质酸以其卓越的保湿力著称,其保水能力是自身重量的6000倍(1克能保持6升水)。透明质酸大量存在于细胞间,起到保持水分和保护肌肤细胞的作用,有助于维持肌肤的保湿性和弹性,预防皱纹和松弛。
○ 坚持使用天然材料,从肥皂基质开始制作而成的成熟手工皂。
※ 不含合成表面活性剂、对羟基苯甲酸酯、矿物油、合成香料和合成色素。
Original New Products Overview
Based on customer needs, we will create skincare, hair care, and body care products for you.
Skincare Products
Our skincare products include additive-free cosmetics without preservatives and petroleum-based surfactants, suitable for those who prefer natural products and have sensitive skin.
Hair Care Products
Our hair care products include silicone-free shampoos and conditioners, as well as scalp-friendly hair care products.
Body Care
In addition to moisturizing care, we can provide professional care products for use in beauty salons and other professional settings.
Please feel free to contact us for any other requirements.