川源芳露 桜之露眼霜
○ 欧洲樱桃果实提取物保持活性,能防止糖化,预防暗沉,同时在清洁肌肤的过程中增加紧致感。
○ 含有抑制组胺释放和透明质酸酶活性抑制的抗过敏作用的蕺菜提取物,并期待其美白和抗氧化效果。
○ 含有构成细胞间组织的保湿和弹性成分,包括透明质酸和胶原蛋白,这些都是肌肤必需的保湿成分。
○ 坚持使用天然素材,带有樱花香味,使用感良好。
○ 含有抑制黑色素生成的熊果苷,能够美白并改善色斑和雀斑。不含对肌肤有可能造成压力的成分。无对羟基苯甲酸酯、矿物油、合成香料和色素,带来无压力的护肤体验。
Original New Products Overview
Based on customer needs, we will create skincare, hair care, and body care products for you.
Skincare Products
Our skincare products include additive-free cosmetics without preservatives and petroleum-based surfactants, suitable for those who prefer natural products and have sensitive skin.
Hair Care Products
Our hair care products include silicone-free shampoos and conditioners, as well as scalp-friendly hair care products.
Body Care
In addition to moisturizing care, we can provide professional care products for use in beauty salons and other professional settings.
Please feel free to contact us for any other requirements.